The links along the left side lead to the drivers for each device type. Our patented SkyAlign alignment technology makes setting up a computerized telescope simple, fast, and accurate. NEXIMAGE ICAP SOFTWARE PORTABLE POWER BANK.NEXIMAGE ICAP SOFTWARE DRIVERS FOR EACH.
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NEXIMAGE ICAP SOFTWARE INSTALL THE DRIVER.NexImage 10 is a great way to get started with astroimaging, especially if you live in a light-polluted area. Just point the telescope at any three bright objects-stars, bright planets, or even the Moon-and your telescope can orient itself with the night sky. Go to Celestron's website, click Support->Manuals and Software->Drivers and software 2. If you can see the planet in the sky, you can image it with NexImage 10 Best of all, NexImage includes everything you need to get started, including Celestrons easy-to-use software suite. The iCap capture software and RegiStax stacking software are the same powerful programs included with Celestrons high-end Skyris cameras. FeaturesThis telescope control software replaces the hand control and allows the user to remotely control their Celestron computerized telescope from their personal PC or laptop. The included software analyzes each frame of video, throws away the ones affected by atmospheric turbulence, and perfectly aligns the best frames. One of the most important factors in a telescope is its transmission-the percentage of light that reaches the focal plane. Observing the microscopic world has never been easier! Supported Operating Systems.